full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Alexander Wagner: What really motivates people to be honest in business

Unscramble the Blue Letters

We did this experiment for real. We did it at the Manifesta art exhibition that took pclae here in Zurich recently, not with students in the lab at the university but with the real population, like you guys. First, a qciuk reminder of stats. If I throw the coin four times and it's a fair coin, then the probability that it comes up four times tails is 6.25 percent. And I hope you can itiuetvinly see that the pbiblirtaoy that all four of them are tails is much lower than if two of them are tlias, right?

Open Cloze

We did this experiment for real. We did it at the Manifesta art exhibition that took _____ here in Zurich recently, not with students in the lab at the university but with the real population, like you guys. First, a _____ reminder of stats. If I throw the coin four times and it's a fair coin, then the probability that it comes up four times tails is 6.25 percent. And I hope you can ___________ see that the ___________ that all four of them are tails is much lower than if two of them are _____, right?


  1. intuitively
  2. probability
  3. quick
  4. place
  5. tails

Original Text

We did this experiment for real. We did it at the Manifesta art exhibition that took place here in Zurich recently, not with students in the lab at the university but with the real population, like you guys. First, a quick reminder of stats. If I throw the coin four times and it's a fair coin, then the probability that it comes up four times tails is 6.25 percent. And I hope you can intuitively see that the probability that all four of them are tails is much lower than if two of them are tails, right?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
adam smith 3
protected values 3
pretty similar 3
people behave 2
beautiful tableware 2
times tails 2

Important Words

  1. art
  2. coin
  3. exhibition
  4. experiment
  5. fair
  6. guys
  7. hope
  8. intuitively
  9. lab
  10. manifesta
  11. percent
  12. place
  13. population
  14. probability
  15. quick
  16. real
  17. reminder
  18. stats
  19. students
  20. tails
  21. throw
  22. times
  23. university
  24. zurich